Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Reasons Why Your Computer Could Be Slow

The most frustrating part about having a computer for a certain length of time is the way it tends to slow down. When you first bought the computer or laptop it operated really fast. So why does it run so slow now?

Operating systems and software that run on home computers are very sophisticated and most people don't really understand how they really work on the computer. In fact, it is safe to say that most people probably don't care how the software is programmed and how it works, as long as it does work. You just want it to do what it was designed to do, and quickly.

If you have had your computer for some time you have probably gone through the process of installing software and then uninstalling software. Over time many types of software do not uninstall properly where they leave bits of programming behind in the registry and hard drive. You can download software that can look for orphaned files and folders as well as registry entries to be removed. Just make sure that the software your download is an industry leader with reviews from people that have actually used it. There are many people out on the Internet that make Trojan software to look as if it is removing these files, but they are actually installing their own Trojans onto your computer.

Windows comes with a disk defragmenter that can be run overnight. This software will analyze your hard drive and look for fragmented files. If you tend to copy a large amount of files to your hard drive and move them or delete them, this can fragment the drive. Using disk defragmenter will defrag the drive and can make your computer run much faster.

Finally, if you find that your computer is slow when using more than one application at a time you may just need more RAM. You can get more RAM installed at your local computer dealer or you can buy it online from certain websites. They normally have instructions on how to install the RAM chips yourself.

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